2025 Youth Service Leadership Summit Recap

The Ryan Nece Foundation and Community Tampa Bay recently came together to co-host the 5th Annual Youth Service Leadership Summit, which was generously presented by Suncoast Credit Union. On the morning of Friday, February 14, 2025, 218 students from across Hillsborough, Pinellas, and Pasco counties came together to serve at 12 different nonprofit service locations. These included organizations Summit students had served before, like Humane Society of Tampa Bay and Clothes to Kids, as well as some new locations, like Hillsborough Education Foundation and the Suncoast Primate Sanctuary. By the time students arrived at their service-learning project locations, they were energized and chatting with one another, volunteer site coordinates, and friends – new and old.

“I loved learning about the primate sanctuary. I had never been there before and realized how important it is to clean up that area for the animals as well as the people of our community.” – Candida Lavoie

Next, the students met at Feeding Tampa Bay’s new Causeway Center, chatted over lunch, and kicked off the Summit with remarks from Ryan Nece Foundation, Feeding Tampa Bay, and Suncoast Credit Union. Then, the program was turned over to Community Tampa Bay, where their team walked students through a morning service debrief activity, engaging students in conversations around the volunteer projects they were able to accomplish in the morning.

“I’d say that the number one takeaway from today is that sometimes people need help, and I will be making a conscious effort to help others in need in a more meaningful way.” – James Steffanci

Next, keynote Rachel Bender (@rachcutiepie) spoke on hidden disabilities, and how students can have a heart for others this Valentine’s Day and throughout the year.

“I loved everything about this. She was so powerful.” – KayShaun Straughn

Students were then broken into groups of approximately 50 rotate through four 25-minute breakout sessions:

Suncoast Credit Union – Financial Literacy Fun

“Very clear and easy to understand.” – Julian Ferlita

@TrashCaulin – Hurricane Recovery Update

“This was the best one. My family was impacted by the hurricane. I plan to join a group in start picking up trash at the beach.” – Ezekial Dunkley

Community Tampa Bay – Team Builder

“I was able to find things I have in common, even though I never knew them.” – Nikhil Nana

Feeding Tampa Bay – Tour

“One of my favorite parts. We didn’t have time to see the whole thing though, so I would have liked to get the full tour.” – Scarlett Schwand

    The last activity engaged students in a discussion around different causes and passion areas. It challenged students to align based on what they think, care, and know about the most and the least. Students were very vocal and passionate with this activity, and it provided a lot of opportunity for learning and discussion.

    “I made some new connections and hope to keep being confident.” – Natalia Rechtorik

    It was a great day! One last piece of feedback from a Summit student:

    “My number one takeaway is being comfortable with spreading your wings. Taking new steps to new ideas in life. I plan to use this takeaway by being more grateful to serve and understand others.” – Mikalah James

    Creating Accessibility in the Servant Leadership Space

    Thanks to support from Suncoast Credit Union, we were able to make leadership education and service-learning projects accessible to all students who wanted to participate. We provided safe and professional transportation to 17 students from their homes to morning service locations. Transportation was provided to 22 students from their service project locations to Feeding Tampa Bay for the afternoon Summit. Lastly, transportation was provided to 19 students from Feeding Tampa Bay back to their homes at the end of the day.


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