An Act of Kindness

Today we were fortunate enough to spend another day volunteering at KIPP St. Claude. While volunteering at the school, it opened my eyes to realize the amount of people we were affecting. By simply organizing the supply closets and taking inventory I was faced with the concept of the “Power of Giving”. We were preparing the school for the next generation of innovators, leaders, and scientists to walk through the door the upcoming school year. It definitely put a smile on my face knowing that I was contributing to this positive change. Later on in the day, we donated our bagged lunches to the homeless after receiving a generous donation of food. To us the act seemed as a no brainer but the gesture transformed the homeless people’s days. Just by passing out our uneaten lunches you could just see their faces brighten with joy and hope. It made me realize that regardless of the size of the act, the impact on the other people is priceless. It’s truly amazing the amount of change our group has placed on the community in New Orleans just within this two day time period. It motivates me to incorporate the Power of Giving in my life everyday due to the rewarding experiences both sides of the party receive.
– Madison Barse


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