June Service Days: A Recap

June Service Days: My Impressions

The June service days were different than anticipated. I didn’t think working outside would be as fun as it was. Going into something with no prior knowledge is often unsettling. I didn’t know anyone, nor did I know exactly what I would be doing. I suppose that’s the joy that comes from something different… One doesn’t know what to expect and should be prepared for anything.
Instantly, I met new friends. I know they will be my friends for the rest of my time in the Student Service Program and beyond. I like to trust my senses, so I trust I will be right about this.

Who knew weeds were so annoying?

Both locations we volunteered with, we needed to change the outward appearance.
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Suncoast Center
The Suncoast Center buildings went through a massive transformation for the better. We worked together to completely de-weed and re-mulch the front and back areas. Although it was hot, it was very much worth the time put in.
When we finished, the leaves no longer covered the plants. Instead, the colorful mulch masks dull sand. These minor, simple changes added up. In the end, the locations looked more put together and welcoming for the clients they serve.
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Operation Code Vet
Our second day volunteering involved helping a veteran diminish code violations they accumulated through Operation Code Vet. It looked like such a daunting task, but with everyone’s help, we landscaped and picked up trash. The front yard, side pathway, and back shed have never looked better. We removed invasive weeds and bushes from the pathway and front of the house. We cleared a pathway previously covered in weeds and ferns and made it an actual pathway with two entrances connecting another housing unit and a back shed. The back shed also went through a deep cleanout and was reorganized. I know the two and a half hours we put in left a powerful impact on the woman we helped.


All in all, the activities we participated in the last couple days were not easy; but together with new friends, we made a huge difference in the community and people’s lives.


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