My Day at Trinity Cafe

Volunteering at Trinity Café this past Saturday was an eye-opening experience because it showed me how blessed I am and that I shouldn’t take anything, even the small things that I have, for granted. I can’t speak for others, but I know that I woke up that morning and didn’t think much of my breakfast, think about the fact that I had choices of things to eat, or think about how I didn’t have to worry about how much food I’d eat that day, and afterwards I’m encountering people whose days were transformed just from receiving one meal. I’m grateful for the opportunity to help jump start the day for the homeless people that we served. The issues of homelessness and hunger, just in Tampa, became much more real in my own eyes because I saw how tired many of the people we served entered and how much more full of life they exited. It was amazing to see how those we served stayed positive and engaged in pleasant conversations with each other and me, even though they are going through rougher times. I’m glad that I’ve found out about Trinity Café and I would love to volunteer there again because it was truly a touching experience.
Lazlo Nziga


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