June Days of Service: Making An Impact

Making An Impact

The past couple of days have been my first experience serving as a part of the Student Service Program. It has been such a fulfilling experience being able to make an impact.

june service days

Suncoast Center

First, we volunteered at Suncoast Center, an organization offering mental health services and counseling. I began by removing overgrown vines and weeds from the property. This provided a more clean and welcoming environment for visitors. Additionally, I worked with other students to lay down new mulch around the property. This added a fresh and vibrant look to the center. I was even able to talk with some of the Suncoast Center employees, who were so kind and grateful to see the foundation’s impact on their workplace. It’s wonderful knowing I have left a positive impact on people who receive such important treatment from the Suncoast Center.

Operation Code Vet

The following day, we worked with Operation Code Vet to help improve the property of a U.S. veteran. We started by loading trash and fallen branches into a truck so it could be transported for removal. We were able to clear out overgrown plants to provide the owner with a cleaner property following county codes. The work we did not only improved the appearance of the property, but will also prevent the owner from receiving more county violations and fines.
It was so meaningful to know that we were helping a person who has sacrificed so much for our country. It was wonderful to hear the veteran speak following our work. She was grateful to receive help from the Ryan Nece Foundation.
These past two service opportunities have not only made an impact on people in the Tampa Bay area, but on myself as well. I am so excited and grateful for the opportunity to serve more people through the Ryan Nece Foundation in the future!
Photo Jun 10 11 31 27 AM


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