Welcome To

Ryan Nece Foundation

The mission of the Ryan Nece Foundation is to create opportunities for teens to embrace the Power of Giving through volunteerism and inspirational leadership programs. Our vision is to empower teens to become leaders and impact giving in their communities.

Calling all Class of 2027 students!

Applications for our Student Service Program are now open through March 31st. If you are a current sophomore, you are eligible to apply. Apply now to be a changemaker in your community!

School-Based Model Expansion

We are excited to share we are actively working with 12 Hillsborough County Public high schools throughout this 2024-2025 school year in an effort to make our programming more accessible.

Never miss the opportunity to GIVE because you may be missing the opportunity to RECEIVE!

About Ryan Nece Foundation

To former NFL linebacker Ryan Nece, giving has always been a part of his daily life. Since he was a child, his family instilled in him the importance of thinking of others and giving what you can when you can in order to have a positive impact on those around you.

Upon joining the Tampa Bay Buccaneers in 2002, Ryan participated in many community events and supported various charitable organizations on behalf of the team. Eventually, he formed the Ryan Nece Foundation in September 2006 as a way to formalize his own charitable contributions to the community.

Meet Our Sponsors

Meet our Sponsors

Support from the community is integral to the success of our foundation’s mission/ Click below for a list of organizations who have generously joined us in support of the Power of Giving. 

Meet Our Board

Meet our Board

Our board of directors includes a diverse set of professionals from around Tampa Bay. Take a moment to meet our board members and find out what the Power of Giving means to them.

Power To Give

Power to give

The power to give is present inside each and every individual. No act of kindness is too small. It’s our philosophy and the idea that everyone has the ability to make the world a better place through the giving of their time, talents, treasures, and ties.

Watch Our Video

Showing how the Student Service Program helps to shape and mentor the next generation of servant leaders in our community.

About Ryan Nece Foundation

We often challenge others to answer the question, “If not you, then who?” Meet the team who answers this call to action every day.

Ryan Nece

Ryan Nece


Melissa Neeley

Melissa Neeley

Chief Executive Officer

Allison Gorrell

Allison Gorrell

Chief Operating Officer

Krystle Pits
Ryan Nece
Melissa Neeley
Krystle Pits
Allison Gorrell

Ryan Nece


Melissa Neeley

Chief Executive Officer

Daphne Miles

Director, School Programs

Krystle Pitts

Director, Community Programs

Allison Gorrell

Director, Special Events

Get in touch with us!

Question? Comments? Sometimes a personal interaction helps you get started. Please contact Melissa Neeley at melissa@ryannecefoundation.org.