ryan nece foundation blog

Stay up to date and never miss an opportunity to give because you may be missing the opportunity to receive! Read up on our blog below.

First Impressions

Our first day in Flint definitely made an impression on me. After spending the morning assembling rain barrels, some of us went and delivered them.

My First Day In Flint

My first day in Flint was a day I will never forget. As I was given the opportunity to install rain barrels at the houses

Small Act of Kindness. Big Affect.

When we first entered the city of Flint, Michigan I had no idea what to expect. Deserted houses and abandoned school yards were not on

Bust A Move Like Sam

Today was our first day in Flint! We helped build rain barrels from scratch using old pickle barrels from a nearby factory, and we helped

Domini-Can’t Wait For Tomorrow

Hi guys, so this has been our second day in the Dominican Republic! I’ve never been out of the country before, and thus this has

Meeting the Domini-kiddos

I can truly say I felt the power of giving today through the entirety of our project. We finished both the baseball field and the clubhouse

A Day to Remember

Today was our final service day and by far the most inspiring as well as productive day. We finished painting the recreation center and the

Reflection Song

First thing we were superman Then I learned everything doesn’t go to plan So as we played with the kids at the park They wiggled