A day filled with French Toast, Friends and a Finite Amount of Communication Ability

Today we began how everyday should- at a breakfast bar. The choices were vast but I stuck with the basic food groups (French toast and plantains basically) to wake me up at the bright and early time of 7:30 a.m. The French toast had to be waited on but it was very much worth it. Once I was loaded with plenty of carbs we all gathered into our “Turismo” bus and zoomed off towards the baseball field.

Just a common fact about the Dominican Republic – they LOVE baseball. To back this up I have the fact that when we’re flying over the country I saw about 8 baseball fields in the span of 2-3 minutes. This added even more weight to the fact that today we went to go help fix a baseball field up. It was hard work at first, we had to scrape off dirt and moss from the cement walls but they were quickly followed by vibrant layers of blue. Then a few of us got the chance to visit a school where we gave out more supplies. This school had so many adorable and extremely inviting kids. The teachers told us this was the first time anyone had been to visit them which really took me back. I gave out my Ryan Nece bracelets to two adorable girls who were cute friends and holding hands it warmed my heart so much.
Then after lunch some of us brought our service back out to the baseball fields where I was given a task that I was more than happy to complete. I was to paint the foundation’s logo on the inside of the dugout. Painting is something I thoroughly enjoy and really have a passion/love for. It took me about two hours, due to my obsession for perfection or close to it, and it was great. Kids gathered all around me there was, at the high point, somewhere around 15-18 kids all watching me paint. I tried to talk to some of them but really it was difficult, turns out three years of spanish really was not enough.
It feels great knowing that our logo is up there and I helped to leave a mark in this country so far away from my home. I really feel great and painting out there in front of all of those kids and getting the chance to do what I love generally during my time out here feels so amazing, not to be cliche but it truly is an experience I will remember for the rest of my life.

– Trinity Lester


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