Meeting the Domini-kiddos

I can truly say I felt the power of giving today through the entirety of our project. We finished both the baseball field and the clubhouse and they look phenomenal. The clubhouse transitioned from a dull, faded red and yellow, to a vibrant yellow and blue. The baseball field received the final touches of its facelift and a fresh trim. While the feeling of completion was satisfying, nothing could beat the heartwarming feeling that arose when we were playing with the local children.

When we arrived at the baseball field to switch locations all of the children quickly sprinted across the field to come play with us and help us work. We taught them a new game and practiced our Spanish by speaking to them. I helped to pass out candy, soaps, bracelets, and notebooks to the locals. I found it so funny how they would try to get more “Power of Giving” bracelets. Many of them would take a bracelet, put it on their ankle or in their house and then come back asking for a new one. I built a bond with one little boy who continuously attempted to scam me and knew I was onto him.

Eventually we finished all the work and went back to take group photos and see the finished products. At the clubhouse we helped clean up and make everything look nice. At the baseball field we played with the kids one last time and also gave away our shoes. I thought I knew what it felt like to give, but I don’t think I really did until I gave away my shoes to a boy. I could tell that each and every local appreciated even the smallest gifts we offered. The sense of community in this country is mind blowing. I don’t know that any of my neighbors would come help with painting someone’s house or anything else, but here, practically the entire town comes to help out and watch the progress. They are grateful and understand that we are trying to improve aspects of their town.

Today may have been challenging and exhausting, but I wouldn’t want it any other way. I loved this community and will be sad to leave but I’m happy with what we managed to accomplish and hope we made a difference in the lives of the locals.

– Sydney Shriver


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