ryan nece foundation blog

Stay up to date and never miss an opportunity to give because you may be missing the opportunity to receive! Read up on our blog below.

Trip of a Lifetime

The Power of Giving is something we have all said during every meeting and service activity we have done. However, today was probably the first


The happiness derived from others’ happiness, I realized today, is greater than any other feeling in the world. Although we began by continuing with the

The Feeling of Giving

Today was an especially unique day for all of us. Unfortunately, it was our final day of service here in the Dominican, but we managed

My Friend Willy

It was a strange start to my and Willy’s relationship. We were put together to paint the dugout of the Playa del Caribe Baseball Field.

Sweat, Paint, and Cement

Today I was at the Cigar Family’s baseball field. There I started my day by grabbing a shovel and mixing cement…by hand! Eventually I was

Sweaty, Itchy, and Tired

Today, the students of the service program and I traveled to a local baseball field near the Cigar Family complex as well as to a

Thirst Day of Community Service

On this adventurous and inspirational day we painted a dugout for the most popular sport in the Dominican Republic, baseball! Also, we took part in

A JUAN-Of-A-Kind Day

Arriving to the baseball field in the morning, we came in ready to work. I was clueless as to what the tasks exactly would be,

Juan Jokes

Today was our first day of service. We got an early start for our luxurious accommodations in Baiguate and took an uno-filled car ride back