ryan nece foundation blog

Stay up to date and never miss an opportunity to give because you may be missing the opportunity to receive! Read up on our blog below.

Where Are They Now – Juanita Collins

Juanita is currently doing case management for a non-profit that works with the mentally ill homeless. Community service is still a part of her everyday

Where Are They Now? – Harrison Klein

Update us! What has been going on with you since you went through the Student Service Program (SSP) I am currently attending Florida Atlantic University

June Service Days: A Recap

The June service days were different than anticipated. I didn’t think working outside would be as fun as it was. Going into something with no prior knowledge is often unsettling. I didn’t know anyone, nor did I know exactly what I would be doing. I suppose that’s the joy that comes from something different… One doesn’t know what to expect and should be prepared for anything.