SW FL Service-Learning Trip: Moment of Thanks with Dave Harris

SW FL Service-Learning Trip: Moment of Thanks with Dave Harris

I had the opportunity to be part of the Ryan Nece Foundation student service-learning trip in Southwest Florida from June 3rd to June 8th. One of the best parts of the experience was the bond I made with my roommates, Devin and Ronald. We got along really well, they treated me like a brother, and I felt accepted and listened to.

Roommates – Ronnie, Dave, and Devin – bond over their shared commitment to helping others.

Throughout the trip, we worked on the different projects and helped each other complete the service activities we were assigned to. Ryan Nece said we worked really hard, and he was proud of us.

Another great part of the trip was meeting Ryan in person. He was willing to talk to me about his experience playing for the NFL and what he enjoys doing now. Ryan drove the vans, worked with us side-by-side, and just talked like a regular cool guy. I’m still singing “Roll Out” by Ludacris, a song Ryan played when he was driving.

My favorite worksite was Charlotte County Habitat for Humanity, because we were using power tools and building. All of the worksites were dedicated to helping people. It was great, because the whole group helped each other. This experience was about helping other people, but it really helped me feel like part of a team. I felt useful and a part of something great.

About Dave

David “Dave” Harris attends Pepin Academies. He believes that the power of giving shows how to give things away to other people.

More Blogs on our SW FL Service-Learning Trip

SW FL Service-Learning Trip: Day 1 Recap

SW FL Service-Learning Trip: Day 2 Recap

SW FL Service-Learning Trip: Day 3 Recap

SW FL Service-Learning Trip: Day 4 Recap

SW FL Service-Learning Trip: Day 5 Recap

SW FL Service-Learning Trip: Day 6 Recap

CEO Note: SW FL Service-Learning Trip


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